Gearing up to make some paint

Today is the last day of January. Yesterday we had errands in town to run and that took up the whole day. Tomorrow we’ve got to go back out to town again. It’s time for annual physicals, which I don’t particularly want to do but hubs has to go for his so I might as well also do mine. In between, I’ve been sorting my pigments and gearing up to make some paint.


We worked on splitting more firewood on Monday, and will probably do more of that this afternoon. This weekend it may rain some more, and the weather has been sunny and mild lately. So it’s best to get the outdoor tasks done while the sun is shining. I completely understand the old adage that says to ‘make hay while the sun shines’.

But what I’d really like to be doing is painting on my hawk. I won’t get to do anything with it until maybe Friday.

Website Fiasco

I got the bright idea the other day to start renovating my shop website. So I installed a new theme with better features, and promptly became ensnared in a rabbit hole with no end. Everything had to be re-organized and fitted to the new layout. None of my previous structure remained.

But today, I managed to get the bulk of it all put back together again. Check it out, and let me know if it gives you any issues:

Next Step on the Real Estate Adventure

Tuesday next week, I’m actually excited about an absurd little thing to find exciting. I’ll be attending my first office meeting at the real estate agency I’ll be working for. It’s the first step after passing the test on my adventure in real estate sales! I’ll get to meet the other agents (although I already know two of them), the brokerage owner, and the other office personnel.

Make Some Paint

I have all of the colors gathered. Some are simply ground and need to be washed, but some are already washed and are ready to go to the mulling board.

So, the plan is to start with the ready to go pigments. I’ll wash the others and have those drying out so they’ll be ready to go to the board once I’m done with the others.

Gearing up to make some paint.

I’m making seven colors:

  1. Earthy red      
  2. Brown
  3. Earthy green
  4. Earthy yellow
  5. Russet
  6. Black (from soot)
  7. Gray (from shale)

The orders have already been placed, so this batch is going towards filling those orders first. If there’s any left over, I’ll list them in my shop. But if you want to order some now to make sure you get the colors you want, there’s still a little time (the Feb 1 cutoff date can be extended a few days). Once this batch is finished, I won’t make another batch this year.

Contact Mad Rox: (479) 409-3429 or madison@madisonwoods and let me know which hat I need to put on 🙂 Madison for art, Roxann for real estate, lol. Or call me Mad Rox and have them both covered!

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