So I’ve got something entirely new and out of my usual realm drying on the easel.
If you scroll down, you can watch “Brahma Baby” in progress, from start to finish.
If you’d like a print of this painting, please email me. It’s not listed in my shop yet at this time. then click here.
There are several differences between this painting and the others I’ve done. First, I’m using a different paper. It’s Fabriano Artistico 300# hot press. Previously I’d been using Arches cold press. It does make a difference, and so far, I think I’m liking this one better, though I don’t know if its the brand that makes the difference so much as the hot vs cold press surface. I’ll have to try Arches 300# hot press next time to make a comparison.
Second, it’s a lot larger than my previous paintings. Also, the subject matter is different. The cow was a special request, but I got to pick which cow to do. I’ve always loved Brahmans, so this cute little calf was my pick. And last, I’ve never worked more than a swatch in gray-tones. I am finding that I like it.
Brahman Baby in Progress
Colors used are all Ozark pigments: Bone black, Willow Black, and Creek Shale. I may add some brown tints in there at the end, but I’m undecided on that right now. Here’s a post about how to make these paints, if you’re interested in that aspect of things.

My Other Paintings
If you want to see the other paintings I’ve made using Paleo Paints, click the button below to go to my gallery page.
I do take commissions. My schedule varies, so email to discuss your project.