I haven’t blogged regularly in a long time. It is so much more labor intensive to do a “good” blog post that I just haven’t had the spare time to do it.
But I miss the more journal-y kind of blogging I used to do. Maybe you do too. At any rate, here’s one of those posts, about what I did today. A ‘good post’ requires topic headings and some sort of focus. Haha. This is a rambler that won’t do well in the Google sphere, I’m sure. But it doesn’t need to.
The day’s schedule got thrown up in the air when I set up the coffee pot last night for this morning’s brew. That’s when I realized that I’d bought decaffeinated coffee the last time I went grocery shopping. Most of the time I use our home-roasted beans, but for the past several months I’ve been busy and the weather has been unpleasant, so I’ve been buying already roasted grounds.
So this morning, after I drank a few cups of the half-and-half coffee (I still had a little bit in the bag of real coffee, so dusted as much of that out as I could), I roasted fresh coffee. What’s the point of drinking coffee with no caffeine? Besides, I have an order to fill for a spring pound of fresh roast, so in effect, I killed two birds with one stone.
Before roasting the beans there were other things that needed doing. I had an Etsy sale of one of the paint sets overnight, so I boxed that up and got it ready to go. Yay! First time to Australia! And then someone emailed to express interest in buying my Fox No. 1 painting that’s hanging over at the Faulkner Center for Performing Arts in Fayetteville, so I made a reply to that. I tried real hard to sound professional and not all overly excited about it. I think I did alright.
I know I did a lot more things this morning, but now, just because I’m trying to figure out how it got to be 4 p.m. already, I can’t think of much. Oh, yes.
After roasting the coffee I went to the post office to bring the packages that needed to go out in the mail, then I went on to Huntsville to get a few groceries and some horse feed. The round trip took about three hours. I have a post from a few summers ago about how long it takes me to get to town and back, and why. But this time I just went straight there and straight back, without all the usual rodaying I normally might have done.
That word, rodaying, is not the way it is spelled, but that’s how it sounds. The root verb is Cajun French: Rôder, and it means to wander around… my preferred way of getting places 😁
On the way back in through the gate the cute little screech owl was sitting in her tree-hole again. This time she had her eyes wide open, watching me. But of course I didn’t have the camera capable of getting a good picture of her. I am calling it a ‘her’ and have no idea if that’s the case, but I think I can see a nest in the hole when she’s not blocking the view.
Now I’m getting ready to start up the tractor and move a bale of hay over to the horses. We don’t have a hay spike so I use a chain on some hooks Rob welded onto the loader bucket. I wrote a post about that a few years ago.
How did your day go? Does it tend to slip away and leave you wondering what you did the whole time?