This is a collection of six North American Orchid drawings preserved forever on the blockchain. Some, like the Ghost Orchids, are extremely rare and endemic to a very small area. Others, like the Lady’s Tresses, are abundant. All of the works in this NFT Orchid collection were originally created using Prismacolor pencils on Arches watercolor paper.
I do all of my drawings and paintings freehand. Most of the time I’ll use a photograph for a reference, or a lot of photographs if I’m unfamiliar with the subject and want to see it from various angles. If I am working plein air, I will take photographs to capture the lighting I want reflected in the painting or drawing. And if I don’t have time to finish it on location, I can work to complete it at home from the photo.
These orchids were all drawn using photos for references, but my art never looks like the original image. I usually create my own backgrounds, and the lines are never straight or curved in the same way as the original. When I’m using my Ozark pigments, the colors are never exactly as they are in real life. When I need to get closer to the true colors, I’ll use the colored pencils to achieve that effect.
The NFT Orchid Collection
Here are the drawings included in this NFT Orchid Collection. I still have all of the original works on paper and will list those for sale soon at my gallery online website. Once the links to them are live both NFT and physical originals, I’ll update that there for each listing. To see them all at, go here:

I will eventually create another NFT orchid collection from paintings I’ll make of our native Ozark orchids. As well, I’ll create collections of my wildlife and landscape art featuring the Ozark pigments.
If you’d prefer your artwork real, the originals and prints will eventually be available in the Wild Ozark online shop. You can email me at if you’d like to order now. The originals Showy Orchid is sold already.