Dirt Road Photos – Ozark Sunset Silhouettes

Scene from the dirt road in the Ozarks of northwest Arkansas.
Scene from the dirt road in the Ozarks of northwest Arkansas.

The Ozarks from a Scenic Dirt Road

I was driving home from my daughter’s house this evening as the sun began setting on our beautiful Ozark hills. Just so happened to have my camera with me (surprised?), so I stopped for a few photos along the dirt road.

It’s spring. Flowers are beginning to bloom in my favorite spots and the landscape is stirring. I usually do bring my camera with me everywhere during this time of year all the way through end of fall, so this habit of mine is likely to be repeated between now and end of November. And then if there’s an ice storm or nice snow in winter, I’ll have my camera then, too.

What I need to be doing is getting my sketchpad and pencils out, though. It’s high time I got back to work on that. I was just waiting for some flowers to start blooming.

Eccentricity? No, Just Talking to Trees

Those who have followed me for long or know me well know I talk to trees. The tree with the big opening at the base is the loudmouth of our “neighborhood”.

If you want to broadcast a message to the Universe, say it within earshot of a tree like this. I call it a “Speaking Tree”.

Blabby Tree of the Wild Ozark neighborhood.
The Blabby Tree
Click on the photos to enlarge:

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