Category: Ancient Earth Wisdom
Anything to do with earth wisdom, magick, the old ways and earth-based religions, etc.
Experiencing Nature and the Rule of 3
There’s a technique for dealing with anxiety that involves observation. It goes by many different names, but the one I know by is called the Rule of 3. I’ve found it to be excellent, not only for anxiety, but also …
Plant Walk & Nature Journaling at Wild Ozark
There are other plant walks in Arkansas, but this one is probably a little different. The trails we’ll follow are deer trails and logging roads. The drive to get here is gorgeous. And the biodiversity here at Wild Ozark is …
When I’m not Painting, and Something Woo-Woo About Me
There are days when I’m not painting, usually when I’m between paintings or stepping back from one in progress. On Saturdays when I’m at the studio in Alpena, I always like to at least get something small done or …
Mistaken Identity | Sassafras or Osage?
I’d assumed the tree was a sassafras, and that bright orange bark peeling off in papery layers was sassafras root bark. But boy, I made a big mistake. I’ve spent a lot of years learning to identify the plants here, …
Jarrod Cluck | Nature Artist Interviews
This post kicks off what I hope to be a regular feature on my blog. Please give a big welcome to Jarrod Cluck, the first subject of my Nature-Influenced Artist Interviews. Jarrod is a native of small-town Rudy, Arkansas. He …
“I make paint from rocks…” A typical encounter.
Click HERE to go directly to my online gallery. All of the work you’ll see there uses paint made from rocks. Click HERE if you want to see Paleo Paints at Etsy. And HERE for workshops on making them. Talking …
Winter Solstice 2018, New Year, and the Color Black
Full Moon and Meteor Shower at Winter Solstice 2018 Winter solstice 2018 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 4:23 PM on Friday, December 21. This is the longest night of the year, and although I typically think of it as …
In Honor of Forests- Two Worthy Fundraisers for Earth Day
We all depend on trees. A single tree planted in an urban lawn is better than no tree, but the larger collectives of forests are needed, too. The Earth needs large swaths of unbroken forests to maintain habitats that support …
Dirt Road Photos – Ozark Sunset Silhouettes
Scene from the dirt road in the Ozarks of northwest Arkansas. The Ozarks from a Scenic Dirt Road I was driving home from my daughter’s house this evening as the sun began setting on our beautiful Ozark hills. Just so happened …
Stone Tool – Relic of a Long Bygone Era
I knew when I saw the rounded hand-sized rock that it was more than “just a rock”. It was a stone tool, & probably several thousand years old. There is something special about holding a stone I know once was …
A Poem by Joanna Macy
This is an untitled (newly titled!) poem by Joanna Macy, a deep ecologist. I found this poem many years ago on a website long lost to memory, but I’ve linked to Joanna’s website in her name below. I stumbled …
Winter Solstice 2015 – A Widdershin sort of Time
Winter Solstice 2015 occurs tonight at 10:03 p.m. CST It’s a widdershin sort of time, an unwinding, a releasing. A loosening of the grip on things I need to let go of. Actual New Year’s Eve It’s Winter Solstice, the …
Symbols of Warmth and Sustenance
I brought the camera with me this foggy morning to capture some of the beauty that surrounded me in the hushed quiet of our little Wild Ozark valley. When I came back in I sat on the porch and listened …
How Far Removed – Predator and Prey
Out here we have a healthy balance between predator and prey. Squirrels crowd the treetops, mice are at home in sheds and even in our house if we aren’t diligent. Snakes lurk everywhere. Predator and Prey Coyotes are plentiful. The …