The day was dreary for the most part, but just before sunset the sky brightened. And so I went out with the camera and managed to get a few photos of some of the flowering woodland herbs in the ginseng habitat before it got too dark.
Diversions While Checking the Mail
I’d gone to check the mail, but I became distracted (as I so often do) and stopped at the little ginseng habitat along the way. The blue cohosh and goldenseal are already blooming. Young ginseng plants still have tightly fisted flower stalks and the giant Solomon’s seal is getting taller every day while holding onto dangling flower buds until later.
I’ll add the plant pics to the “Ginseng Through the Seasons” page when I get a chance, since these are all companion plants.
Sun Splashed Mountainsides
When I was almost back to the house, rays of sun came out from beneath the clouds at the western horizon and washed over the eastern mountainsides.

And then the sun dropped almost below the ridgeline and gave me a nice silhouette of the trees in front of the house.