Just an Ordinary Blog Post, and The Lost Penguin

The Lost Penguin

Yesterday was mine and Rob’s 4th wedding anniversary. Our first date was in Eureka Springs, so each year we go back and have one of the mochas from Mud Street Cafe.

Well, I must have ordered the wrong thing, or else they started making them a LOT smaller in the year since our last trip!

Didn't really need to attempt sharing this tiny little cup!
Didn’t really need to attempt sharing this tiny little cup!

When the waitress returned, I inquired and was glad to know I should have ordered the mocha. Every year we each get one and they’re huge, but this year neither of us thought we had enough room after lunch to be able to drink a whole one.  So we’d planned to share. That’s why when the tiny cup came to our table, I was surprised.

Much better! Lots of whipped cream and a chocolate covered coffee bean on top.  Mocha from Mud Street Cafe in Eureka Springs, AR.
Much better! Lots of whipped cream and a chocolate covered coffee bean on top. Mocha from Mud Street Cafe in Eureka Springs, AR.


We spent the day in Eureka Springs trying to find places to put our crafts on consignment. We found the perfect little shop called The Lost Penguin.

The Lost Penguin is owned by Ramon & Lemia Laval. They have bonsai plants and hold workshops to teach others how to do it. That alone was what drew me into the shop at first.

But once inside I saw they have all sorts of very cool artsy-crafty things. Lots of miniatures for fairy gardens, and some fairy gardens, even. But the mini’s and gardens they carry now are not like mine, so they’re interested in seeing some of mine, too!

They do have some woodworked items in there, but not boxes like Rob’s, so we’ll be bringing some of his boxes in soon.

Rob and I both left with consignment papers to look over and fill out.

The Lost Penguin in Eureka Springs is an interesting artsy-crafty store.
Such an interesting shop in Eureka Springs, AR!

I couldn’t find a website, but they do have a FB page if you want to drop over there and pay The Lost Penguin a virtual visit. Then the next time you’re in Eureka Springs (AR) I suggest going by the store to take a look around. Maybe our stuff will be in there when you do!

Market Day

Today was market day. I sold the last two bags of ginseng rootlets. There’s 5 first year roots in a little cellophane bag with soil-less mix in it to keep them from drying out. I might be able to find some more for next weekend. Also sold a few bottles of our shagbark hickory syrup.

It was a pretty poor day as far as sales are concerned, but I did get to talk to a lot of new people who might possibly be back to buy next week.

Fairy Gardens still Recovering

The fairy gardens are nearly recovered from my RMSF event. Ha. Took them longer than it took me. Since I didn’t get out of bed to care about anything at all for a week or so, the moss dried out and the ferns died back. After a good soaking, it’s all beginning to re-green. Tomorrow I might get a chance to go out and get fresh moss and ferns to make new ones for next weekend.

The Rest of the Week

Tomorrow I’m likely going to do housework or rest. Then Monday evening the grand-girls are going to get off the bus here and spend the night. Then I’ll put them back on the bus Tuesday morning.

Our neighbor was the driver for our local route for 32 years, but he retired and so there was no bus down our road because we didn’t have any children down here since my own grew up and flew the nest. However, he’s on temporary non-retirement now, so while he’s driving again I’ll have the kids take advantage of the route while it lasts.

For the rest of the week I’ll be making more miniatures for fairy gardens and getting things ready for market next weekend. Oh, and maybe if the ginseng still has leaves that I can find, I’ll package up some more rootlets for transplanting.

What are your plans for the near future?

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