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Just a quick check in and update

Figured I’d better make a quick check in on the old blog! It’s been awhile since my last post. I’ve been very busy. Mostly I passed the time gnashing teeth and pulling out hair.

Thankfully, I figured out how to transfer my website hosting over before too much blood and hair fell. Well, I should have known it wouldn’t be easy. I moved from regular website hosting to VPS and there was a lot to learn about how it works. Not sure I have it all figured out yet, but the site is up and almost back to normal, and that’s good enough for now.

In between the website technical issues I’ve been trying to sell things at the farmer’s markets. Today I went to the Jasper market for the first time.

Setting up at the Jasper Newton County Farmer’s Market.

Rob has his new woodworking shop cranking and I’ll be posting links to his website when I get it finished. Will post pics of his boxes in progress, too. Soon. If I can get a booth at the Roger’s Farmer’s market, I’ll be there on Saturdays for the rest of this season. If it’s really good, it’ll be the only market I’ll be at so I can keep up with staying stocked.

That’s all for now. I’ll try to get the Wild Ozark Musings newsletter out tomorrow. If you’re also following my chapters in book two of the Bounty Hunter series, I’ll have the next chapter ready tomorrow most likely, too. If you don’t have the first book, today and tomorrow the ebook is FREE at Amazon.

Have a great week!

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