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the Wild Ones, a Wild Ozark Forest Folk Musical Trio

Here’s the latest of the Wild Ozark Forest Folk to arrive on the scene.

The Wild Ones

There are 3 Forest Folk featured in this ensemble I call “The Wild Ones”. They’re the Forest Folk Musicians.

click to enlarge

All of the parts of each Wild Ozark Forest Folk are made from botanicals collected here on our land.


The dancer’s rump is made of wild clematis after it goes to seed, and her head is an acorn. Her hair is thistle down and rabbit tobacco flowers adorn her acorn cap cap.

click to enlarge


The guitarist’s head and arms are made from our native clay that I fired in the wood-stove and her copious hair is wind anemone seed fluff.


The web player is wearing pants made from a glycerin preserved dogwood leaf and her face is a bit of the native clay plastered over an acorn. (She needed to have puckering lips to play the webs.)

Wild Ozark Forest Folk are Almost All Natural

The only non-natural items in the ensemble are the glitter on the base and the glue that holds them all together. Every other part is produced by nature here at Wild Ozark


All of my pieces are OOAK (one of a kind) because even if I make another ensemble, I’ll never find another piece of driftwood shaped just like this one, the players will never have exactly the features and the instruments must be adjusted to fit the materials I’m working with.

So it might be similar, but never exact.

Want your own Wild Ozark Forest Folk?

This one is already spoken for.

If you want your own Wild Ozark Forest Folk creation for nearly any sort of vocation, passion, or hobby, email me. I have made a fisherman, a woodworker, sorcerer, sorceress, and a host of others.

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